Life as a Comedian

Laughing may be the best medicine, but for a comedian making people laugh can also be one of the most difficult tasks to achieve. Whenever one thinks of a comedian, all they can think is that they are funny people and have a huge tank full of jokes. But, only if that was a reality!

A comedian is a person who makes people laugh and have a gala time by cracking jokes and making simple things funny and rib-tickling. It takes a lot of effort to be a comedian as the career path is not the smoothest and most hurdle free to choose. But one can say it is also one of the most riveting and enjoyable rides if one knows how to laugh at things and move ahead. Standing in front of the people is never the easiest thing to do and making them laugh takes another level of grit and preparation. 

Humor and creativity go hand in hand and if one can mix them well, then a comedian can become successful. As comedians, they can have light humor and dark humor, all mixed and recited and presented in a twisted manner and sometimes it takes a bit of an effort from the audience side to catch the mix and laugh at it.

Creator and performer

These are two sides of a comedian’s job, one needs to create new content and bring out fresh ideas and also needs to perform it with the same conviction. One needs to work daily on writing new ideas on paper and these ideas can culminate from any source like one’s daily life, things going around, things happening in the country and around the globe, etc. 

And the next thing to do is to perform the same which does not seem like a recital but a funny joke. The best thing is to go up on stage and perform it as often as possible. First, the jokes can be simple, but then one can initiate with more complex ones after acquiring more confidence on stage in front of people.

Learn and let go

Another very important part of being a comedian is that one will be surrounded by good and bad at all times. Yes! There will be hundreds who will like you and will acknowledge you and there also be many hecklers who will judge and scrutinize you in the wrong way. But the trick is not to listen to them all the time. Healthy criticism is good and manageable as long it is helping one perfect one’s art form, but when this criticism turns into something disturbing that starts bothering one at a mental level, then is the time to close the ears and not listen.

A comedian is like an artist and for an artist, there is no limit to learning new things. As a comedian one needs to keep their horizons open, grab new opportunities, perform and learn from fellow performers and the best one in the past. One needs to make sure that they are shiny and polished at all times so that one can cope with the immeasurable competition rushing into the industry every day.

Make people laugh and make people happy, but the core of the entire task is to make sure that the comedian is himself/herself happy and content with what he/she is pursuing in life.

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